Ever wondered what all the buttons on your air conditioner remote control mean and what they do? In this article we will explain what each symbol means.
Universal On/Off Button The power button on your air conditioner remote control turns the air conditioner on and off
Heating / Cooling
Snow Flake Symbol – The Snow Flake Symbol indicates the air conditioner will push out cool air.
Sun Symbol – The sun symbol activates the warmth mode, meaning the air conditioner will push out the warm air. It is very common on reverse cycle air conditioning units.
Teardrop or Water Symbol – Shows the DRY mode on your air conditioner remote control. The primary role of this function is to remove humidity from the air, making the air feel cooler and more comfortable. Overall temperature reduction by the air conditioner is a secondary priority in this mode. Dry mode is ideal for less extreme temperature days e.g. rain days where the inside of your home is left feeling damp / sticky.
Plus & Minus buttons - Control ambient temperature. As you should expect plus increases and minus decreases the overall room temperature settings.
Automatic feature symbol – This feature will allow the air conditioner to automatically select its own cooling or heating mode. We have found that the Auto function is inconsistent in high humidity areas and often results in the air conditioner under performing. Unless you live in a climate where there are large temperature swings, you are better off manually setting your air conditioner to the Cool or Heat functions.

Air Control
Fan Symbol – The fan symbol determines the pace at which the air conditioning unit blows out air. The more bars, the faster the speed of the fan.
Horizontal Air Swing – Allows you to manually reposition horizontal air flow in a room.
Vertical Air Swing – Allows you to manually reposition vertical air flow in a room.
Silent Mode or Quiet Mode – This will make the aircon operate quietly by decreasing fan noise/placing the fan speed on the lowest possible setting.
Turbo/Powerful Button – Turbo mode makes the air conditioning unit run at a complete capacity. Depending on the make and model the air conditioner this could last from 15-30minutes. The Turbo button can be used to quickly bring the room to the required set temperature.